Angel's Kiss

Course : Beverages
Serves: 1
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1/4 ounce dark creme de cacao

1/4 ounce creme yvette

1/4 ounce brandy

1/4 ounce sweet cream

Preparation / Directions:

Pour ingredients slowly, in order given, into a pony or pousse-cafe glass, being careful not to let ingredients mix. This produces a multi-colored "striped" effect of the liquors. For best results pour each ingredient slowly over a teaspoon held bottom-side up over the glass. You can achieve the same effect by inserting a glass stirring rod into the glass and then slowly pouring each ingredient down the rod.


Nutritional Information:

81 Calories (kcal); 2g Total Fat; (37% calories from fat); trace Protein; 6g Carbohydrate; 6mg Cholesterol; 3mg Sodium

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