Chinese Hot And Spicy Chicken

Course : Chinese
Serves: 4
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4 tablespoons oil

1 medium scallion

2 medium hot peppers -- or more

1 tablespoon shredded ginger

1 tablespoon sherry

2 tablespoons light soy sauce

2 pounds fryer

1/2 cup chicken broth

1 tablespoon light soy sauce

2 tablespoons wine vinegar

1 tablespoon sugar

1/2 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon anise pepper -- to 2

1 tablespoon cornstarch

Preparation / Directions:

Cut chicken into bite-sized pieces, marinate 15-20 minutes in ginger, sherry, soy sauce mixture. Cut scallion and hot peppers diagonally into 1-inch pieces. Grind anise pepper to powder. Mix chicken broth, soy sauce, wine vinegar, sugar, salt and pepper. Heat oil. Add scallion, and stir fry several times. Add ginger, sherry, soy mixture and chicken to scallions and hot pepper, and stir-fry for 1-2 minutes more. Add chicken broth mixture, mix well. Cook over low heat until chicken pieces are tender. Add cornstarch to thicken. Serve.

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