Tea Flakes

Course : Beverages
Serves: 2
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A nice warm choclatey flaked tea.


1 gallon Kettle Water (boiled)

1 piece TeaBag

1 large mug

1 cup Milk

1 cup Sugar

1 piece Grader

100 grams Chocolate

1 piece A microwave proof bowl

2 pieces 2 straws (optional)

Preparation / Directions:

Boil the kettle water. Pour into the large mud. Add the teabag. Stir until dark. Add milk. Stir till white. (add a bit more milk if its not that white) Add 3 teaspoons of sugar. Melt 50g of chocolate in the microwave for 1 min. Stir the chocalte until gloopy. Pour the chocalate into the mug. Stir. Graze the other half of chocalte (smallest) into the mug. (DO NOT STIR) Add to straws. Share with someone (you dont have to ) Enjoy!

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