Su Jong Gwa (Persimmon Punch)

Course : Beverages
Serves: 1
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1 piece fresh ginger -- peeled and thinly -- sliced about 1-inch

2 pints water

5 tablespoons sugar

10 medium dried persimmons

1/2 teaspoon cinnamon

1 tablespoon pine nuts

Preparation / Directions:

Add the sliced ginger to a large pot with the water. Bring to a boil and simmer for about 30 minutes. Remove the ginger and discard. Add the sugar and continue to boil until the sugar dissolves. Meanwhile, wash the dried persimmons and trin away the woody stems. Add to the giner and sugar water and cook for 30 minutes. Remove from heat, cover, and set aside in a cool place overnight. Serve in bowls, one persimmon in each, with juiced spooned over. Garnish each bowl with a little cinnamon and pine nuts.


Nutritional Information:

1235 Calories (kcal); 7g Total Fat; (4% calories from fat); 8g Protein; 286g Carbohydrate; 0mg Cholesterol; 40mg Sodium

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