What is the 6 minute per pound rule?

With but a few exceptions, foods (meats, poultry, vegetables and fruit) will cook to done in a full size oven (650-800 watts) at High power (100%) in 6 minutes per pound. An exception to this is fish and seafood, which take approximately 3-4 minutes per pound. In higher or lower wattage ovens, simply shorten or lengthen the cooking times slightly.

When cooking is complete, allow food to stand 20-25% longer. Eighty percent of the cooking occurs in the microwave while it is on. After the microwave shuts off and during "standing time", food will cook 20-25% more. This is caused by the heat created by vibrating water molecules as they are slowing down to a stop. Remember, while molecules are moving, they are producing heat and will continue to cook our food. Standing time allows this "ongoing" cooking to complete, which is critical to cooking good food in the microwave. Do not cook foods until "done," it will be "overcooked" and tough after the standing time and "ongoing" cooking takes place.

Cover food you remove from oven for "standing time" so heat will not escape.