Duck, Duck, Duck???

My story starts off with my ex-husband going duck hunting. First time ever. He came home with one duck and I was given the directions on how to clean it by our elderly neighbour. Well you are supposed to boil a pot of water and leave the duck in the water just long enough for the feathers to come off nicely. Hmmmm I placed it in the water and meanwhile the phone rang. It was my girlfriend and I left the kitchen and went into the living-room to chat. Well one hour later, I hung up the phone and that is when I smelled this awful odour coming from the kitchen. My duck!!! Yes, I dipped it in the water alright, only I cooked the darn thing with its feathers, guts and all. I removed it from the pot and it stood on its feet on my counter with its beak twisted sideways and looking like something out of this world. Was this my duck I was going to be so proud of? My very first duck! Oh my goodness you had to be there to see it. I cried and laughed at the same time. Mind you my ex did not think it was so funny!