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It is possible to say, Gumbo is the greatest contribution of Louisiana kitchens to American cuisine. When the first French settlers came to Louisiana they brought a love for bouillabaisse and stews, basically a highly seasoned fish stew. In this new land they did not have access to the usual ingredients necessary to make a typical French bouillabaisse, so they substituted local ingredients.

After about a century, with the French, Spanish, Africans, and Natives Americans offering their distinct flavors to the food, the stew was no longer recognizable as bouillabaisse and became gumbo. What started out as a French dish made from second best ingredients became the original Gumbo.

The influence of the African people brought the 'kin gumbo' or okra plant from their native soil, which not only gave name to Louisiana's premier soup but also introduced a new vegetable to South Louisiana.
