Charts and guidelines for dehydrating of various fruits and vegetables
The following charts are
guidelines for the dehydrating of various fruits and
PLEASE NOTE: Drying time depends on several factors:
Thick or Thin Slices - the
thiner the slice of item being dried, the quicker the drying
Temperture - The
lower the temperture- the longer the drying time. When
dehydrating fruits, vegetables and nuts, we reccomend dehydrating at
100-105 degrees to preserve enzymes and nutrients.
Humidity - the higher the
humidity, the longer the drying time
Water content - the higher
the water (liquid) content of the item being dehyrated, the longer the
drying time.
Crispyness - some people
like their dehyrated items still a bit soft, while others like it
crunchy or crispy.. If you want it more crunchy-crispy, it will
increase the time it takes to dry all the water out..
Product - Of course the
product being dehydrated also will dictate how long it takes to dry, as
shown by the chart below as a reference.