The world of cooking has many legends, rumors and myths. We are trying to gather all the facts and present them to you.
Wish-Bone is the colorful story of a soldier, a Sicilian recipe and American ingenuity.
1945, just after World War II. Phillip Sollomi, an ex-G.I., opens a family-style restaurant in Kansas City, Missouri. Since chicken is his specialty, he names his place, The Wish-Bone. 1948. Phil decides the place is missing a certain... kick. He asks his mother for her spicy salad dressing, the one from her native Sicily. Maybe the customers would like it. They go wild and demand bottles to take home. Phil mixes the dressing in a fifty-gallon drum while his mother happily applies labels declaring: The Kansas City Wish-Bone Famous Italian-Style Dressing. Wish-Bone's fame spread throughout the heartland. In 1957, Phil decided to sell the business to Lipton. We still care about what Phil and his mom did: the best ingredients, the original recipe, and the best food. And to this day, we still make our famous dressings in Kansas City, Missouri. In fact, Wish-Bone Dressings celebrated its 50th birthday this year.
Source: ©2002 Unilever Bestfoods. All Rights Reserved. Wish-Bone® is a registered trademark of Unilever Bestfoods affiliated companies. |