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Have you ever picked a Watermelon at the store and wondered, Is this right for me? Is it even good? Here are some tips on how to pick the right melon.
1. Tap it. It should sound firm and happy! If it sounds open and hollow, chances are it is diseased, and if it sounds tight, it may be over-ripe. 2. There should be a light yellow spot on it, where it laid on the ground, and the sun didn't hit it. This tells you that it ripened in the sun, and not in a ware-house. 3. The stripes should be clear and distinct. If there are small, cobweb-like lines in the larger stripes, the watermelon is not fully ripe. 4. The stem should be slightly sunken into the melon, showing that the melon is ripe. The stem should be green, and mostly dry. Watermelons with wet stems are diseased, and not good. These tips should help you fully enjoy your watermelon! |