The world of cooking has many legends, rumors and myths. We are trying to gather all the facts and present them to you.
Traditional Ethnic Uses
Mustard Seed's hot and spicy flavor enhances meats, fish, fowl, sauces, and salad dressings. Whole Mustard Seed may be used in pickling or in boiling vegetables such as cabbage or sauerkraut. Brown Mustard Seeds are an important flavoring in Indian dishes. Taste and Aroma
Powdered Mustard has no aroma when dry, but a hot flavor is released when it is mixed with water. History/Region of Origin
Mustard was used in ancient Greece and Rome as a medicine and a flavoring. By 800 AD, the French were using Mustard as an enhancement for drab meals and salted meats. It was one of the spices taken on Spanish explorations during the 1400s. Mustard powder was invented by Mrs. Clements of Durham, England, who made a fortune selling the dry, paleyellow mustard flour. |