Honeydews are harvested by maturity and not by size. Maturity is difficult
to judge because no clear abscission (slip, separation) from the vine occurs.
Maturity classes are grouped predominantly by changes in ‘ground color'
from greenish to cream with yellow accents.
Commercial Maturity Classes:
Mature, Unripe. Ground color white with greenish accents,
no characteristic aroma, peel fuzzy/hairy and not waxy. California Grade
Standards establish a minimum legal harvest index of 10% soluble solids
(10° Brix
Mature, Ripening. Ground color white with slightly discernible
green tint, slightly waxy peel, blossom-end firm and unyielding, no or
slight aroma. Preferred commercial maturity class.
Ripe. Ground color creamy white with yellow accents, clearly
waxy peel, characteristic aroma noticeable, blossom-end yields slightly
to press