Cuisine Glossary

You have reached our International Cuisines and information on all aspects of a countries cuisine.
We will try to explain the culture, significant influences, climate, and other factors that have come together to create a distinct style. For example: Spanish, Mexican or Japanese.

Thai Cuisine

Cuisine of the day The cuisine of Thailand, one of the most coherent in Southeast Asia, is an integrated, harmonious whole, following definite rules, selecting with care the foreign ideas it will accept and catering to the eye as well as the palate. Thai is one of the world's most exciting cuisines, and if you're willing to experiment, you'll be richly rewarded. Contrary to popular belief, not all Thai food is fiery hot; and there are plenty of tasty dishes suited to the Western palate. This hybrid cuisine has been influenced by soups and noodle dishes from China, curries from India and satays from Indonesia. Most dishes incorporate four elements: sweet, sour, salty and hot flavors.

Source: by Sally Bernstein