Ounces to Metric Conversion Table

The Standard or Ounces measurement can be converted to Metric using the following chart. These are the basics needed for any bar or home entertaining.

Terminology Standard Metric
Dash/Splash 1/32 oz. .9 ml.
Teaspoon 1/8 oz. 3.7 ml.
none 1/3 oz. 9.17 ml. or ~1 cl.
Tablespoon 3/8 oz. 11.1 ml. or ~1.1 cl.
Pony 1 oz. 29.5 ml. or ~3 cl.
Jigger 1 1/2 oz. 44.5 ml. or ~4.5 cl.
Wineglass 4 oz. 119 ml. or ~12 cl.
Split 6 oz. 177 ml. or ~17.5 cl.
Cup 8 oz. 257 ml. or ~25.5 cl.
Tenth 12.68 oz. 375 ml.
Fifth 25.36 oz. 750 ml.
Quart 33.81 oz. 1 litre