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Cuisines from around the World

Cuisine of the day


Tibetan cuisine is divided into two types: those of the pastoral and farming areas. The pastoral nomads basically consume meat and milk. Mutton and other types of meat, sometimes dried, are eaten in winter, while yogurt and cheese in summer. These foods are rich in protein and calories, but greasy. Green tea usually accompanies Tibetan meals. The farming population is fond of Zamba (roasted Qingke

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Cuisine of the day


The main meal of the day in Germany tends to be lunch with a light snack eaten at about 1900 in the evening. Breakfast served in homes and hotels usually consists of a boiled egg, bread rolls with jam, honey, cold cuts and cheese slices. Available from snack bars, butcher shops, bakers and cafes are grilled, fried or boiled sausages (Wurst) with a crusty bread roll or potato salad. There are also

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Cuisine of the day


Its history began with Phoenician, Greek, and Carthaginian coastal settlements. Later the Romans, and more importantly the Moors, brought with them elements of their own cooking that lingered and blended with Spain's culinary heritage. Imports from the New World included the tomato, potato, sweet potato, vanilla, chocolate, and many varieties of beans, zucchini, and the pepper tribe. There are oli

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