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We're dedicated to bringing you the best recipes, cooking, restaurant and dining information on the Internet. Our service will educate, inform and make you hungry! Our mission is to present all aspects of dining at restaurants in your area, or wherever your destination may be. Our search tools and Cuisine and Food glossaries, allow you to make more informed decisions in your dining experience.

Cuisines from around the World

Cuisine of the day


Despite a common pan-gallic chauvinism, French cooking is not a monolith: it ranges from the olives and seafood of Provence to the butter and roasts of Tours, from the simple food of the bistro to the fanciful confections of the Tour d'Argent. However, it all shares a seriousness about food. Throughout the country, French cooking involves a large number of techniques, some extremely complicated, t

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Cuisine of the day


Fusion cuisine combines elements of various culinary traditions whilst not fitting specifically into any. The term generally refers to the innovations in many contemporary restaurant cuisines since the 1970s.

Success of this type of restaurants depends on diversity of cultures in their clientele. For that reason, they are welcome in places like California.

Source: HungryMonster Write

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Cuisine of the day


The cuisine of Japan is shaped by its four distinct seasons and by regions. It is a cuisine that first and foremost delights the senses -- in Japan, the eyes, nose, and palate feast along with the stomach. The essence of Japanese cuisine is based on various elements of taste, cooking techniques, and the use of the freshest seasonal ingredients.

Source: Lucy Seligman

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