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We're dedicated to bringing you the best recipes, cooking, restaurant and dining information on the Internet. Our service will educate, inform and make you hungry! Our mission is to present all aspects of dining at restaurants in your area, or wherever your destination may be. Our search tools and Cuisine and Food glossaries, allow you to make more informed decisions in your dining experience.

Cuisines from around the World

Cuisine of the day


Meat is the basis of the diet, primarily beef and mutton. The local cooking is quite distinctive. One local specialty is Boodog. This is the whole carcass of a goat roasted from the inside - the entrails and bones are taken out through the throat, the carcass is filled with burning hot stones and the neck tied tightly, and thus the goat is cooked from the inside to the outside. Fish is also beginn

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Cuisine of the day


Burmese cuisine is both Indian and Chinese cuisine and Thai. Fish and noodle soup, steamed eggplant, and caramelized chicken with ginger and cilantro are some of the treats you might enjoy on a visit to Myanmar (Burma). For a first taste, you might try green papaya salad, served with grilled beef jerky.

Source: HungryMonster Writers

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Cuisine of the day


The melding of cultures contributed significantly to the melding of foods and food preparation in Mexico, often referred to as mestizaje, or mixing. Corn, a staple for over 4,000 years, is the backbone of the diet. The kernels are softened in water and lime and then ground and fashioned (most commonly) into tortillas. Protein-rich beans and an infinite variety of chilies round out this holy trinit

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