Seasoned Oil

Course : Dressings
Serves: 4 - 6
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1 cup olive oil -- good quality

3 cloves garlic -- smashed

3 tablespoons fresh herbs basil -- lemon thyme - rosemary

Preparation / Directions:

Combine all of the above and let sit, tightly sealed, for at least 1 hour-up to 2 wks. The longer it sits, the better the flavor. If oil is left to sit for over 1 day, strain through cheesecloth or a coffee filter. Always store in tightly closed bottles in a cool, dark place. Oil will last for up to 6 months. Brush flavored oils on vegetables, chicken, fish, etc and grill. Also makes a great base for salad dressings.


Nutritional Information:

1909 Calories (kcal); 216g Total Fat; (100% calories from fat); 0g Protein; 0g Carbohydrate; 0mg Cholesterol; trace Sodium

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