Pizza Snacks
Course : Pizza
Serves: 3


  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
--------  ------------  --------------------------------
   3      slices        fresh bread
   2      tablespoons   catsup -- >or<-
   2      tablespoons   tomato paste
   1      tablespoon    green pepper -- finely chopped
   1      tablespoon    mushrooms -- finely chopped
   1      dash          dried oregano -- >or<-
   1      dash          dried basil
     1/4  cup           mozzarella cheese


Roll bread slices flat and thin with a rolling pin or an empty quart jar. Place on a flat pan 3" inches under the broiler; heat until lightly toasted on one side, then remove from oven. Turn slices over and spread untoasted sides with a layer of each of sprinkling of cheese. Broil until cheese melts and browns slightly. To serve, cut each pizza into quarters.