Christmas Horse Cake
Course : Pet Foods
Serves: 1-2 horse(s)
A scrumptiouse Christmas cake for your horses! They'll love it!


2 cups of grain/oatmeal Either will work
1/2 cup water
10-15 Peppermint candies 
apple chunks
carrot chunks
powdered sugar


Crush the peppermints up very finely cut apple and carrots into chunks mix the crushed pepper mint with 2 teaspoons powedered sugar and a teaspoon or two of water mix well. Mix grain and water and mix in carrot and apple chunks Put grain/oatmeal in a baking pan and top off with the peppermint frosting(peppermint and water and powdered sugar) Bake at 325 degrees F. For about 20 minutes alow to cool serves 1-2 horses


Nutritional Information:

VEry healthy for your horse