Beef "deep pit" from the oven
Course : Beef
Easy, you'd think it was deep pitted in the ground. Bay leafs give a unique flavor.


  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
--------  ------------  --------------------------------
5         pounds        Tri Tip or Beef Chuck or Pork butts
15-20                   Bay Leafs -Dry-Fresh
1         quart         Water
Taste   salt,coarse pepper,granulated garlic


Place bay leafs at the base of a pan and add beef and the water. Cover the pan and place in a 350-400 oven for 3-6 hrs or really low 175-250 oven 10-12 hrs. or untill beef is done. Small amounts can be done in a crock pot. The beef is done when the beef falls apart or you can shred it easly. It will fall apart! just leave it in the oven untill it does, just add a little water if liquid evaporates, remember the beef has alot of water. This beef has such a good flavor from the leafs you'll love it. When the beef is done, remove beef from the pan and let cool or shred it immeadiately, strain the liquid and reserve it, ladle liquid over meat. To extend broth as for au-jus add water and beef base or boullion. For best results, cool beef a little then shred with a fork or by hand. Season with spices and ladle the broth over the shredded meat and toss. Object: Cook beef untill it falls apart, shred meat, season with spices,ladle warm broth over shredded meat. Serve extra broth on side with favorite sauce. I'ts good as is! You can refregerate meat and strained broth. Next day shred meat,reheat,season,pour warm broth over meat, you also could add El Pato sauce, or regular hot sauce and toss or your favorite sauce. This is the way I really like to do it so meat has a nice firm texture and not mushy texture. Pork works well also, greasier the meat the better, when done cooking you can always ladle off the grease.