Shredded Potato Slaw
Course : Salads
Serves: 6


  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
--------  ------------  --------------------------------
5-6       Medium        red potatos
4         stalks        scallions, chopped
1         cup           chopped yellow, red, green peppers
32        Ounces        italian dressing,(you can use either creamy or oil type)
                        salt and pepper to taste
                        chopped black olives (optional)
                        garlic powder to taste


In a large pot bring salted water to boil, While waiting for water to boil, Shred potatos coursely in food processor. Add potatos to boiling water for approximately 3-5 minutes or until potatos are softened but still crunchy. (DO NOT OVER COOK) Mix rest of ingredients together and toss with blanched potatos. Chill well before serving. Garnish and enjoy


Nutritional Information:

Using fat free dressing saves on calories and makes this a low fat, low calorie side dish