Beer Drinker's Brine For Fish
Course : Marinades
Serves: 1


  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
--------  ------------  --------------------------------
   1      cup           non-iodized salt
   1      cup           brown sugar
   1      cup           soy sauce
     1/2  cup           cider vinegar
   1      tablespoon    Worcestershire sauce
   1      tablespoon    onion powder 1 T garlic powder
     1/2  tablespoon    black pepper
   1      tablespoon    paprika
   1      tablespoon    chili powder
   3      cups          water


Fill a large container with water. Add ingredients. Mix thoroughly until well dissolved. Immerse prepared fish chunks, filets or small whole fish completely in brine solution. Refrigerate fish in brine solution. Brine chunks of fish of fish 1" thick for about 5 up to 8 hours, 1/2" thick for about 4 hours, and for thinner filets or pieces 2-3 hours. After brining, always rinse your fish with plenty of fresh water. Pat the fish dry, and allow them to air dry for about 1 hour. This will cause a "pellicle" (a tacky glaze on the fish) to form indicating that it is ready for the drying and smoking process. Try using Hickory or Mesquite wood chips with this brine when smoking your fish.