Hot Smoke Finishing Sauce
Course : BBQ Sauce
Serves: 1


  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
--------  ------------  --------------------------------
     1/4  cup           olive oil
   1      medium        onion -- chopped
   6      cloves        garlic -- minced
   1      tablespoon    brown sugar
     1/3  cup           maple syrup
     1/4  cup           bourbon
   1      cup           cider vinegar
     1/2  teaspoon      allspice
     1/2  teaspoon      nutmeg
     1/2  teaspoon      ground thyme
     1/2  teaspoon      ground coriander
   1      tablespoon    unsweetened cocoa powder
   8                    chipotle peppers
   1                    habanero pepper, stemmed
  14      ounces        ketchup
   1 1/2  cups          water
                        salt to taste


Sauté onions and garlic in oil until soft. Add sugar, syrup, bourbon, vinegar, spices, and cocoa. Reduce for 10 minutes. Cut chilies in half and add along with ketchup, water, and salt. Cook slowly for 1 1/2 hours. Stir occasionally adding more water if sauce becomes thicker than ketchup . Cool and puree in blender. Keeps up to 3 weeks in refrigerator.