Kerala Aviyal - 2
Course : Indian
Serves: 1


  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
--------  ------------  --------------------------------
   1      cup           grated coconut
     1/4  teaspoon      turmeric
     1/4  teaspoon      red chile powder
                        mustard seeds
   3      tablespoons   yogurt -- (3 to 4)
     1/4  cup           water
   2                    tomatoes -- cut into long
                        -- pieces
   1      medium        onion -- cut it into long
                        -- slices
   3                    green chile -- according to how
                        -- hot you want; cut
                        -- it long
                        curry leaves
   2                    potatoes or carrots
   3                    cucumbers
   1                    zucchini squash
   1                    chokko squash
     1/2                raw -- (green) banana
  10                    green beans -- (or long green
                        -- beans)


Cut all veggies into long pieces, 1 inch long, and 0.5 cm thick. Note: You can avoid either or both squash if you like to; also banana if it is too gluey. But you need all the others. You can add chena, padavalam, muringakkaya, etc. if you can get them. Cut them all in the same way (except muringakkaya, cut it into1.5" long pieces and split into half), same length and thickness as others. Put them in a pot in layers, beans and carrot at the bottom, then chokko, then banana, then potato, then zucchini, then add the onion slices, cut green chiles and curry leaves, then put the coconut, turmeric and chile powder (spread it on the top, all three),then put tomato slices, and then cucumber on the top. Then pour water, cover with a lid and cook in low-medium flame. When it is cooked, add salt, and then stir well, careful not to break the vegetable pieces. If there is plenty water, keep it for a while to be dried up. Heat the oil, add mustard seeds, and curry leaves, add it to the above mix. Then add the yogurt and stir well, adding enough salt of your taste. Serve Note: After adding the yogurt, don't heat it up, as it will get watery then. So if you want to put some in the refrigerator for the next day, take it first and add yogurt to the rest. You can add yogurt to the other when you are going to have it, after warming it up first