Fresh Mango Chutney
Course : Indian
Serves: 1


  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
--------  ------------  --------------------------------
   2      cups          diced mango
     1/4  cup           Chinese preserved black -- beans, rinsed
     1/4  cup           green onions -- thinly sliced
                        the bias
     1/4  cup           diced red onions
   2      tablespoons   grated ginger
   2                    red jalapeno peppers -- thinly sliced
   1      small         sweet red pepper -- diced
     1/2  cup           oregano, chopped fresh-----
                        zest and juice of one lime
                        zest and juice of one orange
     1/4  cup           rice wine vinegar
   1      cup           light olive oil
   1      tablespoon    toasted cumin seed


Mix together all ingredients; adjust seasoning with salt and citrus. Let sit for a few hours before serving.