Samoosas Chicken Filling
Course : Indian
Serves: 36


  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
--------  ------------  --------------------------------
 500      gram          chicken breasts
  10      milliliters   crushed garlic
   5      milliliters   grated fresh root ginger
   1                    green chili -- finely chopped
   2 1/2  milliliters   borrie -- (tumeric)
  10      milliliters   garam masala
  30      milliliters   chopped dhunia leaves
                        - -- (coriander)
   1      small         onion -- grated
                        salt -- to taste


Skin and fillet chicken breasts. Mix garlic, ginger, and chilli together and rub into chicken fillets. steam for about 15 minutes over medium heat, flake and combine with rest of ingredients. allow to cool before filling samoosas. Fills 36 samoosas. The Cape Malay Cookbook.