Andhra Hot Coconut Rice
Course : Indian
Serves: 8


  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
--------  ------------  --------------------------------
   4                    dried red new mexico chiles -- stemed & crushed
   4                    fresh jalapeno or serrano chiles -- finely chopped
   2      cups          freshly grated coconut
   2      cups          cooked rice
   1      teaspoon      salt
   1      teaspoon      mustard seeds
   2      teaspoons     peanuts
   2      teaspoons     cashews
     1/2  cup           vegetable oil
                        several fresh whole red and green chiles -- for


Roast the coconut in a dry frying pan until it is golden brown, then mix in the rice and salt. Set aside. Heat the oil and fry the mustard seeds, peanuts, and cashews, but take care they do not burn. Pour the seasoning mixture over the rice and coconut, and mix well. Garnish with the whole red and green chiles. This one is hot so watch out!