Baingan Da Bhurtha
Course : Indian
Serves: 1


  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
--------  ------------  --------------------------------
   2                    brinjals large -- seedless, healthy
   2                    onions finely chopped
   1                    tomato finely chopped
   1      teaspoon      garlic grated
   1      teaspoon      ginger grated
   2                    red chillies dried crushed
   1      teaspoon      cumin seeds
   1      teaspoon      red chilli powder
   1      teaspoon      dhania powder
     1/2  teaspoon      turmeric powder
     1/2  teaspoon      cinnamon-clove powder -- (refer)
     1/2  teaspoon      punjabi garam masala powder -- (refer)
                        salt to taste
   2      teaspoons     lemon juice
   2      teaspoons     ghee
   2      tablespoons   oil


Hold the brinjals with stems over fire, to burn skin. (Or run a few drops of oil, microwave in a loose-lid bowl for 3 minutes). When skin blackens, hold under running water. Skin will not blacken if microwaved. Therefore peel. Gently scrub off skin. Mash brinjals to a puree. Heat oil in a heavy kadai. Add ginger garlic and stirfry for a minute. Add onions, all dry masalas, except red chilli powder, stiry for a minute more. Add tomatoes, brinjals, salt, lemon juice and stir. Simmer for five minutes. Take in serving bowl. Just before serving, heat ghee in a small pan. Hold pan over bowl, add chilli powder, and pour immediately over bhartha. Do not allow the chilli powder to burn. Garnish with chopped coriander. Serve hot with tandoori roti, paratha, etc. Making time: 25 minutes Makes: 4 servings Shelflife: Best fresh (1 month on freezing.)