Crisp Jaadi (fat) Roti
Course : Indian
Serves: 1


  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
--------  ------------  --------------------------------
   2      cups          wheat flour
     1/4  cup           fine semolina
   2      tablespoons   butter
   2      tablespoons   ghee
                        salt to taste
                        hot or warm water to knead.


Mix all ingredients and make very stiff dough. Take dough the size of a cricket ball. Knead till smooth and round. Roll to a thick chappati. About 1-1 1/2 cm thick. Prick with a knife - point. Place on a hot griddle on lowest heat. Let one side dry. Then let other side get crisp. Meanwhile pinch the roti on upper side in a circular motion till small mounds are formed on the whole roti. Use a mesh with stand over direct flame to roast the pinched side. Keep flame low to get crisp rotis. Serve with ghee and with lots of dal and rice or with curds. It may be crumbled and dipped in dal too.