Chicken and Sausage Gumbo 2
Course : Gumbo
Serves: 6


  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
--------  ------------  --------------------------------
   1      large         chicken -- boiled and deboned,
                        -- reserve stock
   1 1/2  pounds        andouille or smoked sausage -- sliced
   1      package       frozen sliced okra
   6      tablespoons   flour
   2      large         onions -- minced
   1                    bell pepper -- chopped
   1      cup           chopped celery
   2 1/2  quarts        chicken stock
   3      cloves        garlic -- minced
     1/2  teaspoon      thyme
     1/4  teaspoon      cayenne pepper
   1      teaspoon      basil
                        salt and pepper to taste
     1/2  cup           chopped green onion
   5      tablespoons   roux -- up to 6
   3      tablespoons   vinegar


In a microwavable bowl, combine vinager and a few tablespoons water and okra. Cook for 15 minutes, stirring every 5 minutes. When you notice that the "slime" is no longer in the Okra, remove from microwave. This may take longer than 15 minutes. Just keep watching and stirring. Once okra is de-slimed, set aside. In a large stock pot, add chicken stock and roux and heat until roux has desolved. Add okra, onions, bell pepper, celery, garlic, thyme, bay leaves, cayenne and basil. Add chicken and sausage. Add the salt black pepper. Let this mixture slowly simmer for at least 40 minutes. Then add the chicken and sausage. Cook until sausage is tender. Remove from heat and add the green onions. Let set for 10 to 15 minutes. Serve over rice.