Mushroom And Spinach Lasagna
Course : Italian
Serves: 12


  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
--------  ------------  --------------------------------
   2      medium        pepper red
     1/2  medium        onion
   2      medium        garlic cloves
   4      medium        tomato raw
     1/8  teaspoon      thyme -- ground
     1/2  cup           vegetable broth -- (home made)
     1/8  teaspoon      hot pepper sauce
   1      medium        onion
   1      teaspoon      balsamic vinegar
   3      medium        tomato raw
   4      medium        garlic clove
   6      ounces        mushrooms
   1      cup           ricotta chs skim milk
   2      ounces        swiss cheese low fat
     1/4  cup           basil -- fresh
   1      pound         spinach fresh
   1      tablespoon    parsley fresh
   6      ounces        lasagna noodles -- (spinach)
   4      ounces        parmesan grated


Sauce Use the first 8 ingredients to make the sauce. Roast the red peppers, and all the onions and garlic. (to roast onion and garlic in a microwave) place an un pealed onion in microwave for 5 minutes on high. In the last 2 minutes add garlic cloves. Combine peppers, onion, garlic, tomato (peeled, seeded and diced), thyme and stock in a sauce pan; simmer for 15 minutes. Transfer to food processor or blender, add pepper sauce and balsamic vinegar and then puree. Set aside. Lasagna-- Cook lasagna noodles per instructions, drain and rinse with cold water. Wash spinach leaves and steam Chop coarsely.In a non-stick skillet combine onions, tomatoes, garlic and mushrooms; simmer until liquid evaporates, about 15 minutes. Let cool then add ricotta cheese, swiss cheese, basil, parsley, salt and pepper. Mix well. In an oiled 9X13 baking dish, put down a layer of noodles. Top with a layer of spinach, then onion-and-tomato mixture, then parmesan. Repeat layers until all ingredients are gone. Bake in a 350 oven for 40 minutes. Serve with tomato-red bell pepper sauce on top.