Tomato Fillets
Course : Seafoods
Serves: 6


  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
--------  ------------  --------------------------------
   6      6 oz.         trout fillets -- or salmon (6 to 8)
   1      12 ounces ca  tomato juice
   1      cup           tomato sauce
     1/8  teaspoon      garlic powder
     1/2  cup           onion -- minced
   1      teaspoon      salt
     1/4  teaspoon      white pepper
     1/2  cup           water
  12      slices        bacon -- crumbled


Rinse the fillets, pat dry with paper towels, and then rub with a cloth dipped in vinegar. Dry again with the paper towels. Combine the tomato juice, tomato sauce, garlic powder, onion, salt, white pepper and water. Stack the fillets on an elevated rack in a greased baking pan. Between each layer sprinkle bits of bacon. Put the remaining bacon on top and gently pour the sauce over all. Bake at 400 about 20 minutes or until the fillets flake easily. To complete the meal try a Caesar salad, a pasta main dish, fresh Italian bread and a glass of wine. Adapted from a recipe in "Getting the Most From Your Great Lakes Salmon", Johnson, University of Wisconsin Sea Grant, 1982