Pretzel Salad
Course : Salads


  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
--------  ------------  --------------------------------
2 1/2     cup           crushed pretzels
3/4       cup           butter
3         TBS.          sugar
8         oz.           cream cheese
1         cup           powdered sugar
1                       egg
8         oz.           cool whip
1         large package raspberry jello
2         packages      frozen raspberries


Melt butter, add powdered sugar and coat pretzels. Mix cream cheese, sugar and egg until creamy. Fold in cool whip. Spread over pretzels. Dissolve jello in 2 1/2 c. boiling water - add 2 packages raspberries Chill until thick, then Pour over cream cheese mixture Note: You may use strawberries and strawberry jello in the place of raspberries and raspberry jello