Ft. Knox Pie
Course : Pies
From: HungryMonster.com
Serves: 1


  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
--------  ------------  --------------------------------
   1      envelope      Knox Unflavored Gelatine
     1/4  Cup           cold water
   2      Cups          whipping or heavy cream
   6      Ounce Bag     semi-sweet chocolate chips
   2                    eggs
   1      Teaspoon      vanilla
  22                    caramels (about 1 cups)
   2      Tablespoon    butter
                        chocolate pecan crust*


In small sacuepan, sprinkle gelatine over water; let stand 1 minute. Stir over low heat till completely dissolved. Stir in 1 cup cream. Bring to boiling point; add to blender with chocolate. Process till chocolate is melted. While processing, add 1/2 cup cream, eggs and vanilla; process till blended: Pour into bowl, chill till thickened, about 15 min. In small pan, combine caramels, 1/4 cup cream and butter. Simmer, stirring occasionally, till caramels are melted. Pour into crust. Let cool 10 min. With whisk or spoon, beat gelatine mixture till smooth. Pour into crust; chill till firm. Garnish with remaining cream, whipped. 8 servings. *Chocolate Pecan Crust Combine 2 cups chcolate wafer cookie crumbs, 3/4 cup finely chopped pecans, 1/2 cup melted butter or margarine, press into 9 " pie pan and up sides to form high rim. Bake at 350 degrees 10 min. Cool.