Mushroom Vegetable Soup
Course : Soups
Serves: 6


  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
--------  ------------  --------------------------------
   1      pound         mushrooms -- fresh
   2      tablespoons   margarine -- divided
   1      cup           carrot -- finely chopped
   1      cup           celery -- finely chopped
   1      cup           onion -- finely chopped
   1                    garlic -- clove minced
   1      13 3/4 ounce  condensed beef broth
   2      cups          water
     1/4  cup           tomato paste
   2      teaspoons     parsley flakes or
     1/4  cup           fresh parsley -- minced
   1                    bay leaf
     1/2  teaspoon      ground pepper -- freshly
   2      tablespoons   dry sherry


Wash mushrooms; slice half of them and set aside. Chop remaining mushrooms and saute them in 1 tb margarine in a large pot. Add all the vegetables (except the sliced mushrooms) and cook 6-7 minutes, stirring often. Stir in all other ingredients except the mushrooms, the remaining margarine, and the sherry. Simmer, covered, for 1 hour. Puree soup in the blender or food processor fitted with steel blade. Saute the sliced mushrooms in the remaining 1 tb of margarine. Return pureed soup to pot; and sauteed mushrooms and sherry. Reheat over moderate heat, stirring.


Nutritional Information:

CHO: 12g; PRO: 5g; FAT: 5g; CAL: 108;