Apricot Yogurt Soup
Course : Soups
From: HungryMonster.com
Serves: 1


  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
--------  ------------  --------------------------------
 17             ounces  apricot halves
  2               cups  apricot nectar
  1                cup  apricot preserves
     1/4           cup  fresh lime juice
  16            ounces  plain yogurt
                        toasted almonds for garnish


Puree the apricots and juice. Add the orange juice, preserves, lime juice and 1 cup water. Puree until smooth. Pour into a bowl and fold in yogurt. Chill several hours. Garnish with toasted almonds.


Nutritional Information:

1351 Calories (kcal); 16g Total Fat; (9% calories from fat); 20g Protein; 305g Carbohydrate; 58mg Cholesterol; 354mg Sodium