Pinon and Sun-Dried Tomato Pasta
Course : Pasta
Serves: 4


  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
--------  ------------  --------------------------------
   1      lb            capellini or linguine
   6      Tbsp          olive oil
     2/3  cup           pinons -- toasted
     2/3  cup           sun-dried tomatoes -- oil-packed, drained
                        & chopped
     1/2  cup           fresh basil -- chopped
     1/2  cup           Parmesan or Romano cheese -- grated


Boil pasta in salted water until almost tender, then drain. Heat 3 Tbsp olive oil in large skillet and add pasta, frying about 10 minutes, stirring frequently, Transfer pasta to large bowl and add remaining olive oil to same skillet. Add toasted pinyons and sun-dried tomatoes, stirring over high heat, about 2 minutes. Pour pinon mixture over pasta. Add chopped basil and grated cheese and toss. Add salt, pepper and serve, adding grated cheese to taste.