Dilled Potato Salad
Course : Potato Salads
From: HungryMonster.com
Serves: 10 - 14


  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
--------  ------------  --------------------------------
  5             pounds  yukon gold potatoes
  1              bunch  watercress -- chopped
  1              bunch  dill -- fresh
  6                     eggs -- hard cooked
  1                cup  mayonnaise
     1/2           cup  milk
                        salt and pepper
  1             medium  onion vidalia if available -- chopped


Cook the potatoes in their skins until just tender. Cool, skin, and cut into cubes. Coarsely chop the watercress and dill. Be mindfull that if you chop dill to fine it tastes gritty. Combine the chopped hard cooked eggs. Adjust the mayonnaise and milk to make a nice thin dressing. Low fat mayo is fine but not fat free. Also skim milk will make this dish more heart healthy. I like lots of salt and pepper. This is a very simple, very delicious potato salad. Perhaps one of my favorites. It just might be these Yukon Gold potatoes. They are fabulous and are the only potato to use for mashed.


Nutritional Information:

2057 Calories (kcal); 218g Total Fat; (90% calories from fat); 41g Protein; 11g Carbohydrate; 1216mg Cholesterol; 1663mg Sodium