Kalama Valley Salad
Course : Salads
From: HungryMonster.com
Serves: 8


  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
--------  ------------  --------------------------------
  16      ounces        Manoa lettuce
   1      recipe        Salad Dressing -- see below
   8      tablespoons   pine nuts -- toasted
   8      tablespoons   Roquefort cheese -- crumbled
  24      rings         Maui onion
     1/3  cup           wine vinegar
     1/3  cup           extra virgin olive oil
     1/3  cup           mango preserves
   1      tablespoon    Dijon Country Mustard
   1      teaspoon      fresh basil -- chopped
                        salt -- to taste
                        fresh ground black pepper -- to taste


Toss the dressing with the Manoa lettuce until coated. (1 pound of Manoa lettuce will make 8 servings.) Plate the salad with a sprinkle of pine nuts, crumbled Roquefort cheese and onion rings. This is as delicious as it is attractive! DRESSING Mix all ingredients, except the oil, in a clean, wide mouth, old mayonnaise jar that can accommodate a Braun hand mixer. Just before serving, blend the dressing *IN* the container with the Braun. Slowly add the oil in a thin stream. Toss with greens and plate. Me ke aloha, Mary