Fresh Pineapple Dressing For Fruit Salad
Course : Salads
Serves: 4


  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
--------  ------------  --------------------------------
  1                cup  pineapple juice
     1/4           cup  fresh lemon juice
     1/2           cup  superfine sugar
  2          teaspoons  flour
  2                     egg
  1                cup  cream


whisk flour and sugar into eggs combine pineapple and lemon juice in a large stainless bowl add egg mixture and place over a pan of hot water whisk for 3-5 minutes, until thickened cover and chill thoroughly fold in whipped cream just before serving serve slightly chilled


Nutritional Information:

222 Calories (kcal); 17g Total Fat; (68% calories from fat); 5g Protein; 13g Carbohydrate; 146mg Cholesterol; 51mg Sodium