Eggs on Curried Rice
Course : Vegetarian
Serves: 4


  Amount  Measure       Ingredient -- Preparation Method
--------  ------------  --------------------------------
   1 1/2  cups          brown rice
   2      tablespoons   butter
   2      tablespoons   whole wheat flour
   2 1/4  cups          stock -- beef, veggie, etc.
   1      teaspoon      chopped chives
     1/2  teaspoon      thyme
   2      teaspoons     curry powder
                        salt and pepper -- to taste
   4                    eggs
   2      tablespoons   chopped parsley


Cook rice according to preferred method. Pack cooked rice firmly into a buttered baking dish [or use individual baking dishes]. Make four little wells, evenly spaced, about 1 inch deep, on the surface of the rice. Preheat oven to 350F. Melt butter in a saucepan, add flour, stirring, and then add stock, stirring constantly. Cook until thickened. Add seasonings. Spoon approximately 1 cup of the sauce over the rice into the wells. Break a raw egg into each well. Gently spoon the remaining sauce over the entire surface and bake in preheated oven for 25 minutes or until eggs are firm. [Took about 30min.] Garnish with chopped parsley and serve.