Brandy Alexander
Course : Beverages Cocktail
A delicious but potent Blended Drink that\'s festive for the holidays.


1/4 Cup Brandy
1/4 Cup Light Cream DeCocoa
1 Cup Half and Half
1 Cup Whipped Cream
1 teaspoon Nutmeg
1 bunch Ice


For each person served combine in a blender 1 shot each of both Brandy and Cream DeCocoa, then add 1/2 cup.For Example: for 3 people you would have 3 shots Brandy, 3 shots Cm DeCocoa and 1 1/2 cups Half & Half. Blend with ice on high until frothy. Pour immediately into a glass with handle and top with whipped cream and dash of Nutmeg. Careful....these drinks are potent but don\'t taste like it.