Garden Vegetable Pizza
Course : Pizza
Serves: 3


1 tablespoons chopped chives.
2 tablespoons olive oil
1 dash dried oreango
1 medium sliced button mushrooms,
1 medium chopped leak
1 medium chopped red pepper
1 pint cherry tomatoes
1 can Tinned peas
1 cup grated mozzarella cheese
1 jar Ready-made garlic sauce
1 crust ready-made frozen pizza base


Preheat the oven to 220 degrees. Sprinkle a baking dish or pizza pan with the flour. Spread 2-3 spoonfuls of garlic sauce over the pizza base. Sprinkle over 3-4 of the cheese, then the vegetables and finally oreango. Sprinkle over the remaining cheese, drizzle with olive oil and bake for 10-15 minutes until the pizza is cooked and the cheese has melted. Sprinkle over chives and serve with the sour cream.