Course : Indian
From: HungryMonster.com
Serves: 1


25 grams urad dhal -- (blackgram)
3 tablespoons ghee
1 drop oange food colouring
3 Cup vegetable oil -- for deep-frying
25 grams sugar
1 gram saffron strands
1 drop rose essence


Soak black-skinned urad dhal in water to remove skin. Grind the soaked dhal to a fine paste in the blender and add orange colouring. Boil sugar to make syrup. Add saffron strands and rose essence and set aside. Heat vegetable oil in kuali over low heat. Using a cloth piping bag, pipe the urad dhal paste directly into the hot oil. Fry both sides till golden brown. Remove from fire and immediately immerse the hot jaangri in the prepared sugar syrup. Remove from syrup after 5 minutes. (Makes 10)