Grilled Salmon Over Linguine With Pesto Sauce
Course : Salmon
Serves: 4


4 fillets Pacific salmon steaks -- 1 1/4-inch thick
3/4 Cup olive oil
2 Cloves garlic
1 tablespoons capers
2 tablespoons lemon juice
1/4 Cup white wine
---Pesto Sauce:
2 Cups fresh basil leaves
1/4 Cup pine nuts
6 Cloves garlic -- peeled
1/2 Teaspoon salt
1/4 Cup olive oil
3 tablespoons unsalted butter -- softened
1/3 Cup grated Parmesan cheese
16 Ounces linguini -- cooked and drained
8 slices lemon wheels
3 tablespoons chopped parsley


Grill salmon 2-4 minutes on each side. In medium sauce pan heat oil and garlic over heat medium until garlic is golden. Add capers, lemon juice and wine. Over high heat bring mixture to a boil and reduce sauce for 5 minutes. Stir in pesto sauce. To serve, arrange linguini on a platter. Place salmon over linguini. Spoon sauce over top. Garnish with lemon wheels and parsley. (Pesto Sauce) In a food processor, blend basil, pine nuts, garlic and salt. With processor running, pour in oil in a steady stream. Blend in butter. Stir in Parmesan.


Nutritional Information:

1080 Calories (kcal); 71g Total Fat; (58% calories from fat); 20g Protein; 91g Carbohydrate; 29mg Cholesterol; 424mg Sodium