Pork Chops With Sour Cream Sauce
Course : Pork
From: HungryMonster.com
Serves: 4


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5-6 nice size Pork Chops (I prefer country style since they tend to be more tender and not as dry as center cut) 1 Pint of Sour Cream 1 or 2 large Spanish Onions 4-5 Large Potatoes Garlic Powder or Minced Fresh Butter or Margarine (I always use butter) Salt Pepper Roasting Pan Slice potatoes into 1/4 inch thick slices and put on bottom of the pan. Slice butter into small pieces and distribute evenly over top use as much as you like( I usually use about 1/2 a stick).Thinly slice onions and layer on top of potatoes. Take Pork Chops and layer on top of Onions. Sprinkle with Garlic and put into preheated 350 degree oven. Let bake approximately 20 minutes (turning once) or until pork chops are almost completely done (they cook very quick). In a bowl mix Sour Cream, Salt, Pepper and garlic to taste (I like a lot of pepper). Stir frequently. Add a little milk if sour cream is too thick (it should be the consistency of yoghurt). When Pork cops are almost done, pour sour cream mixture on top on them until completely covered and return to oven. When the Sour Cream mixture seems to harden it's done (usually 10 minutes


Nutritional Information:

0 Calories (kcal); 0g Total Fat; (0% calories from fat); 0g Protein; 0g Carbohydrate; 0mg Cholesterol; 0mg Sodium