Mushroom Salad
Course : Salads
Serves: 8


1/2 medium iceberg lettuce
1/2 large bostom lettuce
1 large cucumber
1/2 pound green beans
1/2 pound mushrooms
1/4 cup lo-cal french dressing


Rinse lettuce. Break into large pieces. Peel and slice cucumber into 1/4". Peel and slice cucumber into 1/4 slices. Rinse green beans; cut bean into 1-in pieces. Place into greens, cucumber, and beans into plastic bag or tightly covered container. Store in referigerator 4 to 6 hours or overnight to crisp. Trim mushrooms stems to 1/4" of cap. Cut mushrooms if discolored.) Cut mushrooms in thin slices. Just before serving, carefully pat greens, cucumber, and dry on towel. Place in wooden bowl; cover with French Dressing. Toss to lightly coat all ingredients with dressing. Top with mushrooms.