Geranium Ice Cream

Course : Ice Cream
Serves: 1


1 package scented geranium petals -- rose-lime or nutmeg scented
5 pieces scented leaves -- (5 to 7) roughly chopped
2 teaspoons petals -- (same scent as leaves)
1 1/4 cups half and half
1/2 cup granulated sugar
4 large egg yolks
1 cup heavy cream


Combine leaves, petals, half and half in saucepan, bring to boil, remove from heat and cool for 20 minutes. Small stainless steel saucepan, whisk sugar and egg yolks, and continue to whisk until light and frothy. Whisk in half and half mixture, cook over low heat, stirring continually until custard coats back of wooden spoon. Strain custard in bowl and set in ice bath to cool. Beat heavy cream until it forms heavy peaks and gently fold into cooled custard, and freeze in ice cream maker according to manufactures' instructions. Remove and place in freezer overnight to set. Garnish with geranium leaves and petal.