Meersburger Kirschen-Dessert (Cherry Desert Meeresburg)

Course : German
Serves: 4


1 pound cherries
8 ounces cream cheese -- *
3 tablespoons kirsch
1/2 teaspoon vanilla extract
6 tablespoons sugar
2 ounces almonds -- ground **
2 tablespoons water
1 cup cream -- heavy
12 medium ladyfingers
1 cup pistachio Nuts; Chopped


* Soften Cream Cheese to room temperature. ** Grind Almonds in the blender, if ground almonds are not available. Wash and drain cherries. Remove stones and reserve 8 whole cherries for garnish. Place cherries in a bowl; add kirsch. In a small pan boil 3 T sugar and the water for a minute to make a thin sugar syrup. Add syrup to cherries; stir to blend. Cover and let soak for 20 minutes. Cut the ladyfingers in half, divide into 4 portions, and place in individual glass dishes. Arrange cherries on top. Thoroughly blend cream cheese, 3 T sugar, vanilla extract, and ground almonds. Whip the cream and carefully fold it into the cream-cheese mixture. Spoon over the cherries. Garnish with the chopped pistachio nuts and whole cherries.